El Centro Mario Molina para Estudios Estratégicos sobre Energía y Medio Ambiente es una organización independiente sin fines de lucro. Fue constituido en el 2004, como asociación civil, para dar continuidad y consolidar en México las actividades que durante su vida el Dr. Mario Molina ha llevado a cabo, el estudio de los problemas del medio ambiente y la energía, la prevención y mitigación del cambio climático y el fomento del desarrollo sustentable.
Philip M. Fearnside is a Research Professor in the Department of Ecology at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA) in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. He is a permanent resident in Brazil where he has lived in Amazonia for over 30 years doing ecological research. He also has field experience in India, Indonesia and China. He completed his Ph.D. in 1978 in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. Fearnside’s research since 1974 has been directed at the estimation of human carrying capacity of tropical agro-ecosystems. His work since 1992 has been organized around the objective of converting the environmental services of Amazonian forests into a basis for sustainable development for the rural population of the region, taking the place of the current pattern of forest destruction. He has authored over 350 publications on these and related problems of environment and development. Honors include Brazil’s National Ecology Prize, the UN Global 500 award, the Conrad Wessel prize, the Chico Mendes prize and membership in the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. In 2006 he was identified by Thompson-ISI as the world’s second most-cited scientist on the subject of global warming.
Source http://www.eoearth.org/profile/Philip.fearnside
web page: http://philip.inpa.gov.br/